Did another CSS tutorial during class time.
There is so much new stuff to learn with CSS it's starting to feel a little overwhelming. The large spectrum of codes that exist to create the nice looking pages we see online everyday is amazing.
Learned how to use class selectors, such as a Full Stop ( . ) and an ID selector ( # ). These are preceded by a name and used for different elements, such as #top or .intro.
When your HTML document refers to the CSS document is can use attributes such as "id" and "class".
An ID can b used to identify one element while a class can be used for multiple elements.
Another element that was very handy that I learned was you are able to shorthand commands instead of listing each one, such as "margin-top: 1px; margin-right: 2px;"
You can combine them together in one simple line. "margin: 1px 2px;
It was a lot easier to create multiple elements for one part of the page. The same could be used for text and borders.
Also learned how to place background images into the page. The only trouble I had was finding an image large enough to use that would fit into my HTML webpage, most were too small and would leave white edges where the background couldn't reach. Would need to find a larger resolution image for future designs that will fit any webpage on any computer.